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Annual inflation doubles to 1% in December, flash estimate shows

Consumer prices rose by 1% in the year to December, double the rate of 0.5% recorded in November, a flash estimate of the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) from the Central Statistics Office showed today.

December HICP growth was the highest since August, when it reached 1.1%.

Today’s CSO estimates show that energy prices are estimated to have risen by 0.7% in the month and fallen by 4.6% since December of last year.

Meanwhile, food prices are estimated to have decreased by 0.1% in the last month and increased by 1.7% in the last 12 months while transport costs rose by 4.4% in the month and were up 1.7% in the 12 months to December.

The CSO said the HICP, excluding energy and unprocessed food prices, is estimated to have risen by 1.6% since December of last year.

The corresponding figures for the euro zone will be published on January 7.

Article Source – Annual inflation doubles to 1% in December, flash estimate shows – RTE

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